Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Megan thinking about my dad

It's been a long time since I wrote anything, but it's summer, and I have no work, so here goes.

Today in the car Megan, who is 3 and a half, asked me if I was sad that my dad was in heaven. I told her that yes, I was very sad. She then asked if it made me upset, and again i told her that it did. Then she asked if I wanted to have another dad and I said no, I loved my dad but I just missed him. Then she was quiet for a little bit and said to me "Mommy, you don't need another Daddy because my Daddy takes such good care of you."

She is so sweet, but it does make me so sad that she will never know him. I was sad when my dad wasn't there to walk me down the aisle at my wedding, but it is nothing compared to the sorrow I feel that my kids will never know him. He would have loved them so much and I think I miss him more now that I have kids than I did before.

At least I know he is happy with all of our dogs :)